Agency Name Santa Cruz Women's Health Center
Categories Medical & Wellness,Women
Contact Name Azura
Agency Email
Agency Address 250 Locust St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Agency Phone (831) 427-3582 x 112
Web Address
Office Hours Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12
Distance from Campus 3 miles
Nearest Bus Lines Route 10
Mission Statement The mission of the Santa Cruz Women's Health Center is to provide quality health services and to advocate the feminist goals of social, political and economic equality.
Volunteer Duties This is a great opportunity to interact with patients, learn about the Affordable Care Act, and schedule patients in our electronic medical system! Volunteers will often be on operator duty, taking called from patients and inputting the information into our system. We are currently looking for a bilingual in Spanish volunteer to help us call patients to make appointments with our Certified Enrollment Counselors. Because of the amount of training required for this position we request a minimum quarter long commitment. We strongly prefer someone who is able to stay at least 6 months. We are also looking for volunteers who can commit a higher volume of hours per week- up to 20 hours a week would be great!